In an interesting analysis done by UCLA researchers on studies about how a woman’s mate preference may change throughout the month due to her menstrual cycle. As any living being has a preference or a “type” of individual they find themselves most attracted to, it is always subject to change, but especially during ovulation.
In an article on, professionals in the medical industry explain that when a woman is ovulating, she tends to be more attracted to the masculine body types and features, dominance, and a particular scent. These sexy men remain attractive; however, they are not necessarily that same woman’s first choice for a lifetime partner. This debate about preference changes has been ongoing since the late 90’s.
One particular study showed that a woman who considers her current male partner as extremely attractive and a sexy man, she is less likely to have a change in preference during ovulation than a woman whose male partner is considered less attractive (even if they have all the best characteristics a man could have). The study seems to make sense, keeping the topic consistent. If a woman’s existing partner is already the masculine, charming man, chances are she just has a stronger sense of attraction during ovulation but to that same man.
Body scents seem to be one of the strongest preference factors during ovulation. In several studies, women were asked to smell shirts worn by men of all shapes and sizes. The shirts that smelled the best to these women were of symmetrical men. Symmetrical men (and animals) are men with a larger physique, better health, and more distinct sexual body parts. The root of preference change within studies is said to be from women’s ancestry. Symmetrical bodies and faces of these men may be a sign of genetic quality. As a result, the women who preferred these particular, masculine, sexy men are more likely to have children with strong, quality genes that will benefit them in terms of reproduction and survival.
Humans are not the only beings that have a change in preference while going through different phases of fertilization. Just one example is chimpanzees. Female chimps have sex with multiple male chimps during their ovulation period – and they are chimps that they would not have sex with when they’re not ovulating.
This is natural. If a woman is aware that this may happen, it is going to be easier for her to ignore these feelings and thoughts by telling herself that it is because she is ovulating. As living beings should always do, we must let nature take its course and be disciplined and educated enough to know what is happening.