The time span of a normal pregnancy is divided into three segments which last between twelve and fourteen weeks each. The second trimester starts with week 13 and finishes at week 28 and is a time when the mother starts feeling better. The nausea, the fatigue, and the severe breast tenderness ease up. The baby is growing larger and the uterus expands and comes up out of the pelvis, eliminating the pressure on the bladder.
However, this trimester does have a few discomforts.
- Braxton-Hicks contractions – The uterus starts tightening up in usually painless contractions, especially after strenuous physical activity.
- Breast enlargement – The breasts are preparing to feed the baby. Mammary glands start to swell.
- Nasal congestion – The nasal mucosa becomes engorged because of increased levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Besides the stuffiness, the nasal veins are enlarged and bleed easily.
- Bleeding gums – The same engorgement occurs in the gums and bleeding may occur with flossing or brushing.
- Melasma – Brown patches may develop on the face or a brown line may show up on the lower abdomen. These changes are also due to hormones.
- Quickening – The movement of the fetus can be felt at about 20 weeks.
- Varicose veins and hemorrhoids – These congested veins may appear and be painful, especially with excessive weight gain and constipation.
- Dizziness – This can happen on standing up and can even cause fainting. Staying well-hydrated is important.
- Leg cramps – The body is no longer configured as it used to be. The leg muscles have to adjust to the weight above them. Cramping of tired muscles at night is not unusual. Stretching exercises before bed help. Staying well-hydrated also helps.
- Vaginal discharge – Usually clear or white, this is normal.
At each prenatal visit, the mother will be evaluated for blood pressure, weight gain, and edema. Doppler checking of the heartbeat allows the parents to listen. The increasing size of the uterus will be measured to determine fetal growth.
The end of the second trimester is the beginning of the body’s preparations for birth as the mother enters the last trimester.